destiny definition bible dictionary

Bible Verses about Destiny. Scripture teaches that humans are created with the ability to make moral choices and that we are responsible for those choices. Therefore, our destiny depends upon whether we live in harmony with God, following His moral teachings. It is our responsibility to decide our destiny! When the word is applied to man's future destiny after the resurrection, we naturally give it the sense of endlessness without any limitation, except suc has the post-resurrection state shall involve; and this is not revealed. ... Multi-Version Concordance Destiny (6 Occurrences). We may resume a relationship with the person if we had one, or we may not if one did not exist before. Eschatology The study of the end times, including death, the intermediate state, the afterlife, judgment, the millennium, heaven, and hell. It is very helpful in comparing the paragraphing from a European perspective. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Found inside – Page 63REFERENCES Achtemeier, Paul J., The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary, San Francisco, ... Becker, Eddie, Relevant Magazine, “21 Things That Don't Define You”, ... Bible definition is - the sacred scriptures of Christians comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament. Found inside – Page 301First , the basic meaning of “ rudiments ” is " objects that stand in a row or ... human beings could not only escape from the destiny imposed by the spirit ... Wm. He is sovereign over the universe as a whole (Psalm 103:19), the physical world (Matthew 5:45), the affairs of nations (Psalm 66:7), human destiny (Galatians 1:15), human successes and failures (Luke 1:52), and the protection of His people (Psalm 4:8). In simple terms, destiny is God's purpose for your life. Paul proclaims that the coming of Jesus and the worldwide spread of the gospel were "not done in a corner" ( Acts 26:26 ). The reference is to a veil. Found insideStrong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Nashville, ... D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, 1897; Definition of Hell, sheol. Advertisement. God’s foreordination of persons to a particular end, most commonly to a particular eternal destiny and less commonly to a particular vocation or to a particular task. ‘Christian hope is concerned with eschatology, … Found inside... might destroy my true end or destiny. I also do not want sin to darken my light! Fausset's Bible dictionary gives the definition of sin as “rebellion, The Bible contains both the forty-six books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. 20:1-7. Call, Called, Calling: occasionally means "to be called or named," Act 11:26 (of the name "Christians") and Rom 7:3, the only places where it has this meaning. (aw-thad') Short Definition: destined. The doctrine of divine providence asserts that God is in complete control of all things. Plain, open, clearly visible to the eye or obvious to the understanding; apparent; not obscure or difficult to be seen or understood. DESTINY Name Meaning and History. des'-ti-ni: A god of Good Luck, possibly the Pleiades. Certainly, the victim of a crime has no obligation to become friends with the criminal. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. If someone is appointed, even appointed for life, that does not mean that the person cannot resist the appointment. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, … Found inside23 definition for vanity taken from Prayer - Easton's Bible Dictionary Online ( 24 M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, ... Meni - Dictionary Of gods and goddess Reference Index . As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is … DESTINY Name Meaning and History. 7. And BDB Theological Dictionary has He Adds, Increases. There are 20 different variations of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words commonly translated as "glory" in English Bibles. What does John 8:32 mean? Answer: Actually the word destiny is not found in the Bible. Meni has been identified with the Arabic god Biblical dream dictionary is the arrangement and interpretation of dreams from A – Z . DESTINY, (MENI). Found inside – Page 39Spirit is the vital principle of all living organisms ; it is that mysterious element , life . In the original languages it was denoted by the word primarily meaning breath , as that is the outward sign or manifestation of the presence of the spirit , or life . Depending on the context, "glory" can be used in several different ways. 7. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] The most enticing aspect of sin is the promise of freedom. Some maintain that Christ will personally appear on earth for the purpose of establishing his kingdom at the beginning of this millennium. 17 th Century Puritan, Christopher Love stated that, Biblical definition of hell “Hell” is the place where those who reject the Lordship of Jesus Christ will experience the wrath and justice of God for all of eternity.Theologian Wayne Grudem defined “Hell” as “…a place of eternal conscious punishment for the wicked. prophet definition bible. An example of destiny is when you will become wealthy. I get sad when I read of the many godly men and women in Scripture who missed their destiny. Millennium. Two ways to search the dictionary... Search directly and find definitions for any word in the Bible. She's ignorant, but always catches her faults. Another powerful feature of this book is its criticism of the conception of the sovereignty of God and then makes it into a mere principle of naked 'abosolute power', and ethically neutral principle of brute force. [Book jacket]. Found insideAnother meaning of principle is a fundamental law or truth upon which others ... Complete Dictionary of Bible Words by James Strong (Thomas Nelson, 1996). Forgiveness means releasing the other from blame, leaving the event in God's hands, and moving on. the power or agency … A blessing, according to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, is “the act or words of one that blesses,” or “a thing conducive to happiness or welfare.”. Found inside – Page 47deny that man has a soul and spirit ; we only say that if our friends will show that the Bible anywhere attaches to them the meaning with which modern theology has invested them , they will supply what has thus far been a perpetual lack , and ... ” It is mentioned many times throughout the scriptures. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. The Bible tells us that “the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”. Man of Destiny. For a complete Scripture study system, try SwordSearcher Bible Software, which includes the unabridged version of this dictionary. The final destiny of all the enemies of God is the "lake of fire" (Revelation 19:20; Revelation 20:10). What Does DESTINY Mean and History? Found insideIt is now more usually connected with a kindred Arabic word meaning “to announce.” References, such as Irwin's Bible Commentary, verify this by interpreting ... Millennium. A good illustration of this is found on pages 203-207, under COME, and … The Hebrew and Greek words translated "sin" throughout the Bible revolve largely around two major concepts. something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune. Romans 8:29-30 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. Philippians 3:18-19 18 For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. A girl that seems shy when you first meet her, but then turns into a crazy, funny, AMAZING girl when you get to know her. 1. a thousand years; the name given to the era mentioned in Rev. Destiny, (Meni) The Nuttall Encyclopedia. Means simply “destiny, fate” from the English word, ultimately from Latin destinare “to determine”, a derivative of stare “to stand”. Destiny implies an inevitable or irresistible course of events. See Baptism of Fire; Molech; Lake of Fire. In the Bible, God decrees the fate of nations and empires. Lacking resources or the means of subsistence; completely impoverished. Here is a book you will refer to again and again. We are masters of … ‘she was unable to control her own destiny’. the root of gi`gnesqai to beget, be born; akin to l. genus birth, race. arlyle. Destiny is the force that some people think … The sober reality is that most dreams go unfulfilled because of a lack of favor with God and man. What the Bible Says About Predestination. Define destitute. As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is … Found inside – Page 70The “web” defines religion as a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. Holman's Bible Dictionary gives several meanings ... Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. ( Genesis 2:7 ) God created a physical body from the earth and then breathed spirit into it. b. the elements from which all things have come, the material causes of the universe. The Old Testament speaks of death as the common fate of humankind (Psalms 49:12; Psalms 81:15; Ecclesiastes 2:14; Ecclesiastes 3:19; Ecclesiastes 9:2-3). Individual eschatology, or the doctrine of life after death of the individual human soul, should be distinguished from universal eschatology, which is concerned with the purpose of the cosmos and history, with their end, and with that which comes after their end. In the Bible, there are several words that are usually translated as “blessing” or “bless.”. Meni - Smiths Bible Dictionary . Top bible verses with pictures about destiny. A collection of archaic, obscure and hard to understand words and phrases, with over a thousand definitions and examples, as found in a modern printing of the Authorized Version. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot. Unlike the regular dictionary meaning of "restoration" which is to return something back to its original condition, the biblical definition of the word has greater connotations that go above and beyond the typical everyday usage. She's just Destiny. Once you experience the swiftness and ease-of-use SwordSearcher gives you right on your own computer, combined with the most powerful search features available, you will never want to use the web to do online study again. Found inside – Page 506General accuracy of definition is difficult . ... Divination , on the other hand , is an effort to discover the future or the fate of the individual , or to learn of events which have some ... This , therefore , throws light upon the Hebrew conception . So, the word of god will help you have a picture of you even I like the you know, um I was very surprised by the way the dictionary also a common dictionary, not a Bible dictionary. If you've asked yourself at least one of the questions above, then this book is for you. The book you now hold will help you recognize God's method of communicating your divine destiny. - Learn about the historical facts surrounding the Bible with Fox’s Book of Martyrs, The Works of Flavius Josephus and more. Many of the names pertain directly to the qualities of their holders. For example the name Behemoth from the Book of Job simply means 'monstrous', while the name 'Iscariot' (as in Judas Iscariot) means 'a man of murder; a hireling'. Noun 1. previous determination as if by destiny or fate (hypernym) destiny, fate (derivation) predestine 2. This means that people were able to verify divine revelation. This implies why the ancients believed in the more mystical connections between that seemingly meaningless “sound in the air” and destiny. When you get into this subject you have to talk about the free will of man and God’s providence or foreknowledge. Destiny is what God has predetermined you to be and to become, in His divine will. KJV Dictionary Definition: manifest manifest. Evangelist Joshua’s biblical dream dictionary will explain the key dream activities that we often encounter during sleep. After examining what Scripture teaches about the goal and motive of the Christian life, the author addresses moral dilemmas, human-life issues, sexuality, economic justice, and truthfulness. nies. Every heartbeat ticks one step closer … The Immediate Destiny. Hebrew Bible Serpent of Genesis. Hebrew Bible Serpent of Genesis. Those holding this view are usually called "millenarians." genesis \gen"e*sis\ (? the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events. One of a kind. Interestingly, under the heading “Tetragrammaton in the New Testament,” The Anchor Bible Dictionary makes this comment: “There is some evidence that the Tetragrammaton, the Divine Name, Yahweh, appeared in some or all of the O [ld] T [estament] quotations in the N [ ew] T [estament] when the NT documents were first penned.”. Found inside – Page 10Baker Bk . Baker ' s Pictorial Introduction to the Bible . William S . Deal . Pref . by Mark O ... Standard Pub Basic Bible Dictionary : Simplified Definitions of Bible Words . Velda Matthews & Ray ... Augsburg Book of Destiny . Herman B . Kramer . It is free to download on Apple Store, Microsoft Office Store, and Google Play Store. Predestination definition, an act of predestinating or predestining. Lexicons (1): (n.) That to which any person or thing is destined; predetermined state; condition foreordained by the Divine or by human will; fate; lot; doom. The total _____ of any _____ to _____ This word is a proper name, and is also the proper name of an object, of idolatrous worship cultivated, by the Jews in Babylon. Copyright Statement. (theology) being determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind) Destiny is what's meant to be, what's written in the stars, your inescapable fate. The bigger the egg, the bigger the gain in your life. Advertisement. Me'ni. That which must necessarily happen. Destiny is defined as your future or the pre-ordained path of your life. E. Here is an important subject that has to do with faith and the practical reception of that which we are able to trust Him for. It is your appointed or ordained future. Destiny, sometimes referred to as fate (from Latin fatum "decree, prediction, destiny, fate"), is a predetermined course of events. Found insideBible dictionaries are concise reference tools that, at a minimum, provide a short definition of an English word. However, they can also give definitions of ... These events were well observed by many. The Bible defines sin in several scriptures, each of which gives us a better understanding of what it is. ni / the particular state of a person or thing in the future, considered as resulting from earlier events: [ C ] We all want to determine our own destinies. And these prophecies are unfolding before the eyes of this generation! In any conversation about predestination, election, and God’s will in the act of salvation, two verses from Romans 8 are usually cited: For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he … D. The Jerusalem Bible (JB) is a dynamic equivalent translation based on a French Catholic translation. MENI* Pagan god of destiny or luck worshiped by apostate Jews . Found inside... by the definitions of the name and the history of the men who bore the name. ... proceeding; issuing; emanating; source; origin; fate; fortune; destiny. God of luck both good and bad Phoenicia. ... /d/destiny.htm - 8k. destitute synonyms, destitute pronunciation, destitute translation, English dictionary definition of destitute. General meaning: An egg is a symbol of a fresh start in your life. (fate, fortune). Bible Vigil: A post-Vatican II liturgical ceremony in which the Bible is prominently displayed on the Church altar and the service consists of readings and reflection on biblical texts. Define ‘Chief Agent’ as used in the Bible. This is a positive omen. Using the concordances, look up several Bible verses on some of today's discussion. "The Bible Book by Book" by Josiah Blake Tidwell. More example sentences. Wives of the antediluvian patriarchs. Wholeness – God’s Original Design for Man. Bible Dictionary. 3. How to use bible in a sentence. 1. the act of producing, or giving birth or origin to anything; the process or mode of originating; production; formation; origination. One popular dictionary states that predestination teaches that the final salvation of some people is ordained from eternity by God (Collins English Dictionary). To observe cracked or broken eggs in your dream represents feelings of a fragile state in your life. What is "destiny"? For example, students could lookup the following: kinsman-redeemer, threshing floor, barley,Moab, elders, Obed, Jesse, David, etc. The part of theology concerned with death, judgement, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind. Found insideMetaphysical Bible Dictionary. Unity Village: Unity Books ... Times of Our Lives: Extraordinary True Stories of Synchronicity, Destiny, Meaning and Purpose. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads He Shall Add. So you must see what you want to be. the religious doctrine of the final destiny of the world and mankind. Aramaic Bible Institute Dictionary 1 20 13. Excerpt from the Lexham Bible Dictionary, the most advanced Bible dictionary. ), n. [l., from gr. See more. The Bad Jesus is a powerful and challenging study, presenting de-tailed case studies of fundamental ethical principles enunciated or practised by Jesus but antithetical to what would be widely deemed 'acceptable' or 'good' today. Some maintain that Christ will personally appear on earth for the purpose of establishing his kingdom at the beginning of this millennium. 1. Amazingly beautiful. You may be referring to predestination which is in the Bible. “The act of choice whereby God picks an individual or group out of a larger company for a purpose or destiny of his own appointment.” 2 Wood, D. R. W., and I. Howard Marshall. Ephesians 4:31 says, "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice." Found insideAs you study the Bible, these differences may become clearer and more ... Contentment is a noun meaning “the quality or state of being contented. The earth will be consumed by fire (2 Peter 3:7-12). Eschatology. - Fausset's; 1878. preparation: The day before the Sabbath, when preparation was made for the Sabbath. Meni (1 Occurrence)... (AV, "that number;" RV, "destiny"), probably an idol which the captive Israelites worshipped after the example of the Babylonians. In her debut book, Destiny: Seven Steps to Finding and Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, author Teresita Glasgow leads you down the pathway of self-examination and self-awareness. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Found inside – Page 54The last two definitions are taken from Haley's “ DISCREPANCIES OF THE BIBLE , " p . 187 . Mr. Grant also furnishes a definition of nephesh from Gesenius , but it is entirely different from the one furnished by Mr. Haley . The cause of this ... destiny. 6822. tsaphah -- to look out or about, spy, keep watch... root Definition to look out or about, spy, keep watch NASB Word Usage destined (1), keep watch (3), lookout (1), looks well (1), spies (1), watch (3), watch ... /hebrew/6822.htm - 6k Repeatedly throughout the Bible, God blesses people for their faith and hardships by מְנִי. - Explore the meaning of the of the text with dictionaries like Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary, Easton’s Bible Dictionary, King James Dictionary amongst others. Hebrews 12:15 says, "See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no 'root of bitterness' springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled." Expertly designed, researched, and Holy Spirit inspired to provide you an extensive wealth of revelation knowledge about symbols and symbolic actions, this book is divided into four parts that go way beyond listing and defining words. An essential feature of this revised and expanded edition is the inclusion of an augmented version of the Dictionary of Dream Symbols. MAN'IFEST, a. L. manifestus. presbytery 2 : a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency felt that destiny would determine their future. prejudice: An unfavorable opinion of a race or religion. a. the letters of the alphabet as the elements of speech, not however the written characters, but the spoken sounds. adj. Bibliography Information Fausset, Andrew Robert M.A., D.D., "Definition for 'fire' Fausset's Bible Dictionary". Bible definition is - the sacred scriptures of Christians comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament. Definition and meaning:DESTINY, (MENI) des'-ti-ni: A god of Good Luck, possibly the Pleiades. Dictionary of Bible Themes Scripture index copyright Martin H. Manser, 2009. Appropriation. A belief or a doctrine concerning the ultimate or final things, such as death, the destiny of humanity, the Second Coming, or the Last Judgment. Divine destiny, on the other hand, is the destiny of God in or for a man's life. It describes the course of events in one's life, organized or structured by God to fulfil His divine purposes. 1. It has been used as a given name in the English-speaking world only since the last half of the 20th century. Every one of us grows closer to the day of our death with each and every passing breath. 1. ... /hebrew/6257.htm - 5k. God's divine destiny. Every one of us who is a child of God has a divine destiny for their lives-that means that we are not supposed to move through this life aimlessly. God has placed His children on this planet for a purpose, and that purpose is to glorify Him and be a blessing to humanity, and yet every believers destiny is unique . However, knowing that you have a unique divine destiny and knowing that you have been uniquely equipped to fulfill it, is quite different than "walking into ... It has been used as a given name in the English-speaking world only since the last half of the 20th century. First, it shows how rich is the language of the New Testament in words which present shades of the meaning of some common idea. She's smart and beautiful. It attempts to translate the Bible in such a way that a modern English reader or speaker can understand the meaning of the original text. People from all walks of life can benefit as this book aids in the understanding of what may be expected from prophets or the prophetic ministry. Delve deeper and you will find much more. God speaks to us today! The Uniqueness of the Book of Esther 1. Locate examples of ‘Chief Agent’ in Bible verses. The Bible tells us to reject bitterness. Two broad concepts. The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary. Fate. There's no avoiding destiny — it's going to happen no matter what you do. 1. countable noun [usually singular, usually with poss] A person's destiny is everything that happens to them during their life, including what will happen in the future, especially when it is considered to be controlled by someone or something else. Dictionary of Bible Themes Scripture index copyright Martin H. Manser, 2009. See Election; Fate; Predestination . Found insideYou find your purpose and fulfill your destiny with confidence, knowing you've ... From Bible Dictionary: (Vulgate: imago); it is derived from eiko, eoika, ... New Bible Dictionary. It does seem that there is a careful balance in the Bible between the free will of man and the sovereignty of God. Found inside... means a people adjudged (The Seventhday Adventist Bible Dictionary, 638). We can be comfortable with that definition, for indeed we are in the endtime ... Bible Verses About Destiny Bible verses related to Destiny from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order . On the other hand, you may be starting to feel happy in your own company. Historical Background Like the Book of Daniel, Esther is a _____ story. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Thus manifest to sight the god appeared. see gender.] Bible prophecy or biblical prophecy is typically the prediction of future events based on the action, function, or faculty of a prophet. What Does DESTINY Mean and History? Appropriation does not necessarily mean to gain something new but to set aside for our practical possession something that already belongs to us. Found inside – Page 380Word Studies for Key English Bible Words Based on the Hebrew and Greek Texts ... NT WORDS agÆn [, 73] agÆn is a noun found six times, meaning “conflict,” ... by | Dec 30, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Dec 30, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments 2. The concept that God chose or predestinated our lives and our destiny. Word Origin a prim. preeminence: Being superior. This assessment holds true for most of biblical revelation. She loves deeply, and trusts too much. the origin and genesis of poor sterling's club. Every dream is to alert or encourage to take some immediate actions. Found inside – Page 374He quotes Smith's Biblical Dictionary in proof of that definition . But I would call attention to the fact that the word gehenna does not occur in the Apocrypha , it is not found in the writings of Josephus nor Philo , nor does it occur in any of the ... Wives of the antediluvian patriarchs. ge`nesis, fr. destiny mundane trivial happens chance The Background of Esther in the Hebrew Bible and Tradition The Book of Esther is also known as the _____. Found inside – Page 80The bible does not give us a great deal of detail regarding Jabez's life or birth. ... The name was a way to mark the child's destiny. Now there are verses about these subjects. Top bible verses with pictures about destiny. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Calvinism itself defines this teaching as the "eternal decree" of a perfect God who has, based on his will, already foreordained the eternal destiny (i.e. Or select a letter to see all the Bible Dictionary words starting with that letter. A noun meaning fate, destiny is synonymous with other nouns like divine decree, fortune, and serendipity. nies. Means simply “destiny, fate” from the English word, ultimately from Latin destinare “to determine”, a derivative of stare “to stand”. Bible Based Dictionary of Prophetic Symbols for every christian - Kindle edition by Ibojie, Dr Joe. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, … This book will both show contemporary readers what can be learned from the past and help renew their own evangelistic vision. Bible Society. Its primary significance, "to have business dealings with," led to this. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. What is Destiny, (Meni)? Found insideRelease Your Destiny Kynan Bridges ... Greek Lexicon—King James Version, based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary, plus others (public domain), www. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control: "Marriage and hanging go by destiny" (Robert Burton). Found inside – Page 66Now we must work out our own destiny with the help of great beings like Christ and ... the esoteric meaning is that he possessed spiritual strength or was ... Also refers to the time of Jesus’ second coming. 1 : something to which a person or thing is destined : fortune wants to control his own destiny. Holman Bible Dictionary; Destiny; Webster Dictionary; Destiny; Destinies; Encyclopedias. Dreams comes with warning, instruction, guidance or message. Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Select Page. B. Eerdmans, 1979–1988. 2. Even from the first temptation, in the garden of Eden, man has assumed that defying God is a way to control his own destiny. Word used in modern translations for God's act in electing or predestinating people and nations. How to use bible in a sentence. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. She's unique. To several of the features of this Dictionary I would like to call attention. 1 The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. Glory is in their shame 20:10 ), 1996 ) a noun meaning fate, destiny what! 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Copyright Martin H. Manser, 2009 ’ as used in several different.... Essential feature of this revised and expanded edition is the `` lake of fire ; Molech ; lake of ;. Definition, an act of asking for a complete Scripture study system, try SwordSearcher Bible Software, which the... Establishing His kingdom at the beginning of this Dictionary I would like call... Meanings... do you need luck by your side to have great success a noun meaning fate, destiny fate! Between the free will of man and the New Testament pra'yer, noun in a general sense, the causes... Destiny from the Lexham Bible Dictionary ; destiny are to happen no what! Has been used as a predetermined future, … the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia revised! Today shall be on your heart led to this we look at these scriptures that define,! Personally appear on earth for the purpose of establishing His kingdom at the beginning of millennium... 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